
Cyber attack against FIAB S.p.A.


FIAB S.p.A. was the victim of a cyber attack on 12 May 2024. The incident was discovered on 13 May 2024. The necessary measures were immediately taken to repel and contain the attack. The incident was also reported by the CSIRT (computer security incident response team Italy) and the N.O.C.S. Department of Public Security.


Vicchio on 22 May 2024

During an attack on the computer systems of FIAB S.p.A. on 12 May 2024, cybercriminals encrypted the data of some systems and demanded a ransom.

Having ascertained the extent of the attack and having ascertained that Confidentiality had not been breached, all necessary measures were put in place to restore Data Integrity and Availability by restoring the computer systems.

FIAB S.p.A. did not follow up the ransom demand.

FIAB S.p.A., equipped with suitable tools and procedures to protect the IT structure, promptly took action to avoid disruptions to normal efficiency. However, the increased security measures of the system could generate possible and limited events of slowdowns in normal operations; this, for a limited period of time.

FIAB S.p.A. currently has no evidence of data dispersion. Should any dispersion be ascertained, the interested parties will be promptly made aware of the event.

FIAB S.p.A. regrets the incident and any consequent inconvenience caused.

FIAB S.p.A. will communicate any new details and publish updates at www.fiab.it  


For communications on the matter please contact

Daniele Lucioli, DPO (Data Protection Officer) at +39 335 605 6044 or email d.lucioli@hhic.it

20° AIAC National Congress18/09/2024 - 20/09/2024


For more than forty years FIAB has been manufacturing and marketing medical devices and accessories for electrophysiology, Cardiac Pacing and defibrillation, electro-surgery, neurology, oxygen-therapy and physiotherapy. High quality standards and updated technology based on internal scientific research make FIAB a leading company both at the national and the international level in the field of medical devices manufacturing. FIAB guarantees a strong technical and productive capability along with an excellent flexibility towards customer’s needs, supported by an excellent team of specialists.